SML Ti Tube Grade 5

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Meet us 9th - 10th September @ Swiss Medtech Lucerne
» Molybdenum - Molybdenium Electrodes
Density of Moly about 9.8 Kg/cm3
Used in the Glass Industry since it has a long life time at 1300 centigrades.
Should you be looking for the heating element according to your drawings be assured you get it supplied on time. Just ask at titanex dot com - the fast source on the web!
- dia. 10 - 16 mm x 150 - 1500 mm
- dia. 16 - 20 mm x 300 - 1500 mm
- dia. 20 - 30 mm x 250 - 1500 mm
- dia. 30 - 45 mm x 200 - 1500 mm
- dia. 45 - 60 mm x 250 - 1300 mm
- dia. 60 - 100 mm x 250 - 800 mm